BreaRamElk Digital Marketing Consulting

In a world of King's clothes and "fake news" the truth is precious

It takes courage to speak simple truths. It takes experience to turn truths into valuable insight.

Confidential Insights to optimise your digital equity

No nonsense, straight talking, ultra valuable insights

Among the billions of web pages and conflicting advice, truths are difficult to find.

We don't know everything, but we know enough to get most company's on the right track, because we helped pioneer online commerce before most people heard of it. Since then, some of the largest organisations, and some of the smallest, have asked for our views and insights on how to use digital to get results. These days, size does not matter, as long as your organisation works in the interests of common people, we will work with you.

On the way we've observed the wasted millions in investments and resources.

We've also helped organisations invest carefully to create double digit growth, or double their profits or increase their average order. We've also helped a few back from the brink or completely change market places.

How does the process work?

  • We acknowledge that you are the experts in your business
  •  Together we map out your needs and the needs and desires of your business and markets - with people first, process next, technology third.
  • Together we identify constants - brand values that are part of your DNA that will not change with fancy fads or whims
  • We identify variables - market influences, competition and hard results that your systems have to adapt to in a fast, agile, reliable way
  • This map will be your set of truths, your digital paths and unique
  • If required, we can organise delivery or train your team

Often clients like to kick-start the project with a "Showcase" where we give clear examples of what digital can or cannot do. This workshop generates ideas and opportunities for growth. It may call for change or it may confirm that you're already on the right path and all is needed is a refresh of tools or skills.

Amazing tools and technologies are available at affordable prices, but they are only amazing if they serve you, your people or your clients. We will simplify the forest of information and you'll see clearer paths on how to use websites, email, CRM's, Twitter, Linked-In and Facebook and all the other myriad of conflicting technologies.

In confidential talks with you, your team and/or your market, you'll go through a unique process of finding out:

  • Your priorities - with timescales
  • What's possible right now
  • What's possible in a few months and
  • What's possible long term.

Together, we'll come up with a strategy and practical and affordable ways to take advantage of digital for your organisation.

And we'll explain it in director level, executive summary, language. If necessary we'll organise delivery or enhance the skills of your team.

If your the boss, a director, executive or team leader serious about competing in this new digital age - then let's talk.

In Total Confidence

When would you like to start?